Carla Ahlander showed a photo series depicting waiting rooms in the registration offices in Berlin. Initially the rooms present themselves as neutral, the power is discreet. There are no people in the waiting rooms, only the possibility of their presence.
Iddo Drevijn’s wall text Your Mind is My Revolution is essentially an optimistic piece. We don’t know the subject, but it sets itself up as the protagonist of a change, and claims the imaginary public in order to spark a revolution.
Bettina Pousttchi showed a registration of a protest march alongside Blackout, a sculpture made of crowd barriers. The twisted steel standards could well be the result of a demonstration, but also have an elegance that puts their regulating function into perspective.
Urban utopias such as Brasilia and the Cité Modelé in Brussels are the subjects of photo series by Elian Somers. She is interested in the way in which the idea of progress that lay behind the construction of these residential areas becomes visible in photography. In her project on the city Kaliningrad, she examines the traces of the various ideologies that defined the history of the city.
Antje Peters made the photo series Collection for a publication on the house style of the Dutch ministries by Studio Dumbar. The photos show office material and promotional gifts with the logos of the various ministries. In 2008 the State decided to adopt a single logo and these identity bearers became redundant.
The TENT Young Curator Programme offered young curators the opportunity to get acquainted with the Rotterdam art world.