For 20 years, Janine Schrijver has been documenting public spaces, people’s behaviour within it, and the subsequent configurations thereof. Over the past five years, Schrijver travelled extensively to photograph city parks and their visitors worldwide, from Rotterdam via Berlin to Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, and New York.
Benjamin Li presents his publication TE KOOP, the result of an online project in which Li studied ways of seeing and communicating on international sales websites. In TE KOOP, Li puts ads for everyday products online, together with an accompanying text, in order to enter into conversations with potential buyers. Based purely on what they see, do potential buyers react on the pictures and text or do they discover that something strange is going on? With TE KOOP, Benjamin Li graduated with honours in 2013 from the Willem de Kooning Academy’s photography department. Currently he studies at the Piet Zwart Institute.
Fleur van Muiswinkel is curator and writer. She is co-director and founder of A Tale of A Tub, a project space for contemporary art in the Justus van Effenblok in Rotterdam and is also producer/ assistent curator contemporary art at the Oude Kerk Amsterdam. Van Muiswinkel curated amongst others the exhibitions and projects: Composing Through Words, Veemtheater (2013), Kunstvlaai 2012 (with Natasha Ginwala), The Camera: Je, La Camera: I, South London Gallery, London. She holds a MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths University, London.