Alexis Blake has a practice that coalesces visual art, movement and performance. She engages with the female body, critically examining how womxn are represented. In her collaborative works she explores how a language of movement can be a means to disrupt and renegotiate systems of representation and power. In her new work crack nerve boogie swerve Blake concentrates on the notion of breaking – breaking norms, breaking free from constraints, liberating oneself from the confinement of oppression. She will explore the act and meaning of breaking through the use of sound, the voice, and the body in an installation made with glass and concrete. The team of womxn performers is made up of local dancers, musicians, sound artists and singers, linking the work to the city of Rotterdam.
crack nerve boogie swerve consists of three parts,co-developed by Blake and the performers during the exhibition, using the exhibition as a process and rehearsal space. As a visitor you are welcome to experience a moment in this process, observe a snippet or follow it from day to day. At the end of the Sessions — the allocated time for the development of each act — there will be a Sketch, which will be an end marker of the process.
ACT TWO is split up in several improvisation sessions with the grande finale performance on Sunday 15 September, 15.00-15.30.
Follow the performance installation crack nerve boogie swerve by Alexis Blake closely and see below on which days you can visit TENT and attend the improvisation sessions and/or performances.
This programme is part of the exhibition No You Won’t Be Naming No Buildings after Me, compiled by Vincent van Velsen.
Read more about this exhibition here.
Performance / installation crack nerve boogie swerve, Alexis Blake
Location: TENT, Witte de Withstraat 50 in Rotterdam
Prelude opening exhibition No You Won’t Be Naming No Buildings after Me
Thursday 11.07, 19.00-21.00
Sessions ACT ONE
Tuesday 27.08 – Saturday 31.08, 11.00-18.00
Sketch ACT ONE
Sunday 01.09, 16.00-16.30
Sessions ACT TWO
Tuesday 03.09-Friday 06.09, 11.00-18.00
Tuesday 10.09 Friday 13.09, 11.00-18.00
Sketch ACT TWO
Sunday 15.09, 15.00-16.00
With thanks to the Mondriaan Fund