Bretz/Holliger, Matthias Huber, J&B, Babette Kleijn, Quenton Miller, Edit Oderbolz, Andreas von Ow, Marco Schuler, QS Serafijn, Jens Stickel, Karin Suter, Florian Graf, Mimi von Moos
Optic Mountaineering reflected on the experience of living and working in a new place, freed of one’s usual habits and duties. A new environment provides artists with a sharpened awareness of the city, nature, and culture. A residency is a period in which artists reflect on their practice, enabling new ideas and work to emerge.
The first part of the exhibition evoked the impression of a new landscape. Edit Oderbolz showed a flapping piece of white cloth that intersected TENT’s space like a chain of snowy mountains cutting through a cloud horizon. Babette Kleijn analysed a landscape in a large wall drawing of pencil, paint and thread. Matthias Huber presented his first wall paintings, and Andreas von Ow showed large papers covered with pigments collected in the dunes, which evoke the work of Dutch Masters.
The concentration of working in an empty atudio is an existencial experience. Q. S. Serafijn – known in Rotterdam for his ambitious ideas about public space – spent his Basel residency making watercolours. Karin Suter created figures of plaster, cord, and wood. In bizarre performances for the camera, Marco Schuler played with the visitor, the studio, and his body. Bretz/Holliger opened a fictious door to their studio. Jens Stickel painted radiating yellow facades. Bert Frings, currently collaborating with Jacob under the name J&B, took inspiration from the street, creating assemblages from garbage bags, protest signs, and pizza boxes. Quenton Miller showed hundreds of pencil drawings revealing a humorous and profound look at the world around us.
Basel and Rotterdam are linked by history and trade. Artist Dineke van Huizen, who coordinates the Basel-Rotterdam exchange, exhibited a comprehensive assembly of collected materials from Atelier Mondial and Kaus Australis. Mimi von Moos screened her recent video about the Rotterdam harbour. Florian Graf placeed a raft dedicated to Erasmus in TENT – the final destination of a long journey along the river connecting the two cities.
Optic Mountaineering was supported by Pro Helvetia
Bretz/Holliger, Matthias Huber, J&B, Babette Kleijn, Quenton Miller, Edit Oderbolz, Andreas von Ow, Marco Schuler, QS Serafijn, Jens Stickel, Karin Suter, Florian Graf, Mimi von Moos