Join Sekai’s listening workshop to practise your own capability to actively listen and learn more about how to listen across differences. We also zoom in on the question why active listening is very relevant in the art world.
In this workshop the group is guided through a series of fun exercises and reflections to think more deeply about the ways we listen, both individually and collectively. We also think about some of the barriers to listening and how we can think in new ways about if and how we listen.
Language – English
Date – Sunday 17 March 2024
Time – 10.00 – 13.00 hr
Participation is free, a reservation is required – Reserve your spot in your ticketshop. Note: navigate to the right date.
Please deregister through, so someone else can join us.
About Sekai Makoni
Sekai Makoni is a cultural programmer, workshop facilitator, writer and artist. Her expertise spans the social sector, arts and academia. Her work explores Blackness, womanism, decoloniality and faith. Sekai runs active listening and radical dreaming workshops where she helps groups think about whose voices are centred, how groups can commit to listening to each other in different ways and alternative futures.
Currently her focus is on community centred research projects, healing modalities and supporting POC staff institutions claiming to decolonise through a facilitation model called action learning.